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Living Yoga Online is on PAUSE
Things are different now. They just are. 

And although In Person Yoga Classes are great and the way to go, they are most definitely not the only way to go! Especially now Covid19 is here to stay. So too are Online classes. Here and here to stay.  Commiting to online classes means there is no disruption to your practice and growth. There is no back and forth, yes and no and not even sure!! There is no constant adjustments and wondering what is the right thing to do. Maybe staying at home is the right thing to do. 

Home is where the Heart is

Online classes allow you to practice at Home! Now, that might be an obvious statement, but Home is where the Heart is. Home is your foundation. Home is your own sanctuary. Home is where Yoga should be practice. This makes the living aspect of Yoga more easily integrated into daily life. Your family members see you doing Yoga too and can benefit them as well. And it also means there is less time and energy spent in getting to classes, which changes our carbon footprint and time management stresses.


There are many benefits to practicing yoga at home and online. Why not give it a try? 


Though I have loved offering the online classes Live, I have decided to take a break and put my focus elsewhere. Please feel free to take some of these classes free from YouTube. I may feel the calling again in the future so if you are interested, please register your interest. 

Aligning our Chakras 

​The video here is focusing on the first chakra, the Root chakra, or Muladhara as its known in Sanskrit. The chakras are energy centres in our bodies that govern certain aspects of our life and being. These are belonging in the subtle realms so often get over looked or misunderstood. 

But if we attend to these centres, keeping them in balance and in our awareness it can really be a bit of a game changer. 

This video is the first of a six series on the chakras. Though there are actually 7 main chakras along the Sushumna, our main energy channel, the higher they go, the less physical they become. 

Restorative Yoga

What better way to finish a day that to lay on the floor and stretch! Though we do a little more than just that, the focus here is relaxation, staying present and releasing tension. 


The class is floor based with longer held postures, similar to Yin Yoga, but with using a lot more props and focusing on the non-doing of the pose. This is deeply nourishing and healing for the Nervous system. This in turn calms the mind and improves the immune system and sleep.   


Yoga props are required for the class, things like blocks, bolster, straps, blanket and some cushions. If you don't have them you can find something you can use at home.


This video here is the first of a series on 'Handling change with grace'. 

Sample full class here

Refine Your Asana 

This class is perfect for someone with little or no experience with yoga. Or for those students wanting to refine their alignment and work on smoother transitions. We still work on some interesting postures, but break things down more and focus on comfortable and safe alignment. 

Both flow and longer holds are taught here so you can really explore what you are doing and how the postures should feel in your body. 

Basic Pranayana is taught in the class along with a small amount of meditation. 

Sample full class here

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